My Articles
Javascript Tip of the day
February 26, 2015

Javascript tip of the day Hello folks, I want to share with you my Javascript tip of the day. Have you ever wondered how to unselect a selected value in a dropdown lis using JQuery? Really simple: $("option:selected").prop("selected", false); Nice uh? Nice and simple! But wait, here is another Javascript tip of the day! What […]

Javascript tips
JQuery tip of the day
April 21, 2014

Do you want to select an element without knowing it’s complete ID using JQuery? There is a useful feature available using wildcards and regexp: search an element whose id starts with:  $(“[id^=’+prefix+’]”) search an element whose id ends with:  $(“[id$=’+prefix+’]”) Enjoy!!

Javascript tips

Hello folks, Today I’d like to talk about how I used jQuery , HTML and  CSS  to build a simple slide show. Obviously this is only a wire frame so, it’s up to you making it beautiful!! So, open your favourite editor and let’s start. The problem: At job I had to display a bunch […]

Javascript tips

Hello folks, I know I don’t have a frequent blogging experience, but  my second son just arrived and being a dad is not so easy so, I didn’t have too much time to write. During the small amount of time left , I tried out Node.js a powerful platform built on Chrome JavaScript’s runtime, which […]

Javascript tips

Hello, Today I’d like to show you how to force the download of a file using an ajax request, since I think that this is a common problem. Because of the nature of ajax, it’s not possible to download a file during an asynchronous request. What can be done instead is using a combination of […]

Javascript tips

Hi to everyone, I’d like to show what’s my solution to Select/deselect a group of check boxes in a form. First of all we need something with some check boxes in it, and here is a table which suits our purposes: <table id="authors" style="border-collapse: collapse;" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <th><input type="checkbox" id="checkall" onclick="checkUncheckAll('checkall');"></th> <th>Title</th> <th>Author</th> </tr> […]

Javascript tips
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 9.2 released
September 10, 2012

Supercool!!! The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces PostgreSQL 9.2, the latest release of the leader in open source databases. Since the beta release was announced in May, developers and vendors have praised it as a leap forward in performance, scalability and flexibility. Users are expected to switch to this version in record numbers. via PostgreSQL: […]

Javascript tips
Hash changing
November 5, 2011

I  found a nice way to prevent page scrolling after changing the window.location.hash: function changeHashWithoutScrolling(hash) { var id = hash.replace(/^.*#/, ”); elem = document.getElementById(id); = id+’-tmp’; window.location.hash = hash; = id; }

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