My Articles
Simple Ruby Tip – Return Multiple Values
September 16, 2017

Return Multiple Values As many of you already know, everything in Ruby is an object so, when you create a method, it actually returns an object. What I want to show here is how to return multiple values (multiple objects) out of a Ruby function. Unfortunately Ruby does not support the returning of multiple objects, […]

Testing a Rails application
May 25, 2015

Testing a Rails application A personal approach Testing a Rails application is often seen as complicated task and, when I started working with Ruby on Rails, I didn’t have a lot of experience with  TDD (just a little bit using Java in another company, but that was not real TDD because first functions where developed […]

Merging pdf files in one line
February 2, 2015

Merging pdf files into a single one   Merging pdf files has never been so simple using Ghostscript from command line in both Linux and OsX. Just open a console and type:   gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=<yourfile.pdf> <your_list_of_pdfs> This command will merge pdf files your_list_of_pdfs into a single file called yourfile.pdf. So easy, […]

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