My Articles
Merging pdf files in one line
February 2, 2015

Merging pdf files into a single one   Merging pdf files has never been so simple using Ghostscript from command line in both Linux and OsX. Just open a console and type:   gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=<yourfile.pdf> <your_list_of_pdfs> This command will merge pdf files your_list_of_pdfs into a single file called yourfile.pdf. So easy, […]

Linux tips
Linux Tip of the Day
November 13, 2014

Hi all, I’d like to share this with all of you. Because of my job I had the necessity to know which port where used on a remote server that hadn’t nmap installed on it, so what I did was: sudo lsof -nP -i | grep LISTEN Here is the explanation: lsof – list of […]

Introductory Linux Course on edX
March 26, 2014

The Linux Foundation announced that it will offer its 60 hours introductory course ( normally charged US$2500) for free on edX platform. The course should start on the 3rd Quarter of 2014, as stated in its page on edX website and it will be available for anyone having an internet connection. More explanations here on […]

Linux tips
Damaged package tip
November 16, 2013

Hello folks, Just a small Ubuntu tip for all of you. If for some reason while you installing some update,  something goes wrong and you get an error due rto damaged packages, opne the terminal and try this: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-get update This removes the sources list and updates it. Now you should […]


Last week I upgraded my distro from 11.10 to 12.04 without any problem. After the first update  I went to work and I couldn’t reach any website, the only thing I could do was connecting to my office LAN. What happened is that Ubuntu team changed the way of DNS resolving; practically before 12.04 you […]

Linux tips
Some useful Linux commands
January 15, 2012

Howdy! What I’d like to share with you today, are some useful tips I’ve learned  while exploring  my Linux OS. First you have to know that, using a ‘nix’ system  will  lead you to use the terminal sooner or later, to install something or just use it because you want to be a smart ‘nix’ user!!! […]

Remove MySql from Ubuntu Startup
November 27, 2011

As a developer, sometimes I need to run some CMS on my laptop, so I installed what is, in my opinion, the best combination to run a website Apache and MySql, but why do I need Mysql on startup? It’s unnecessary, so let’s remove from our machine startup: First of all, open the mysql configuration […]

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